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Ashlee Finnell, OD

Dr. Ashlee Finnell

Dr. Finnell is a native of Howards Grove, WI where her family optometrist inspired her interest in optometry.

She studied biology and Spanish at UW-La Crosse while she also worked as a vision therapist.

Her childhood dream of being an optometrist was fulfilled in 2018 after graduating from Pennsylvania College of Optometry with clinical honors. Upon graduation, Dr. Finnell provided care at a medically-focused practice in South Carolina after doing externships in the Carolinas, but moved back to her home state after meeting the love of her life and wanting to be closer to family.

She’s been practicing around the Lake Country area since the end of 2019.

Ashlee enjoys forming a good doctor/patient relationship and listening to each individual’s needs to give personalized care. Her interests include ocular disease, myopia management, and contacts.

Outside of optometry, she loves cycling, being on the water, live music, being outdoors, and making memories with family (husband Taylor; two kids Lennon and Finn; and pup George) and friends.